New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $16.99
also available: Hardcover Paperback
category: Political Science
published: Dec 2011
publisher: James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers
imprint: Lorimer

Honest Politics

Seeking Integrity in Canadian Political Life

by Ian Greene & David P. Shugarman


Honest Politics provides a framework for distinguishing right from wrong in politics and supplies some ideas for ensuring that ethical decision-making can be enforced.

Greene and Shugarman look at the ethical issues raised by conflicts of interest, patronage, party financing, and lobbyists. They discuss a variety of high-profile cases, including Bill Vander Zalm and Fantasy Gardens, Ralph Klein and Multi-Corp, and Kim Campbell and the Pearson Airport deal.

In Honest Politics, the authors assert that honesty in public life is not an impossible goal but something we can demand and achieve.

About the Authors

Ian Greene

IAN GREENE teaches political science at York University.

David P. Shugarman

DAVID P. SHUGARMAN teaches political science at York University.
Editorial Reviews

"In this timely and well-written book, the authors argue that honest in political life is not impossible. This valuable book is intended mainly for a university audience, bu politicians, public servants, and citizens in general could profit from reading it as well."

— Canadian Book Review Annual

"This extended survey of political faux pas is good fun... and will serve political science students well as an essential primer."

— Quill and Quire

"Honest Politics should be read by all who are interested in that sphere."

— Phoenix Star

"Their defence is well crafted...and deserves a look from political theorists wondering how to address students' cynicism or to exemplify democratic principles in action. The authors' careful consideration of difficult challenges to specific applications and abuses of these principles and duties regularly imbues them with practical and subtle meaning in a way that theoretical elaboration would not.
Wide use of this book in undergraudate politics courses, and by rookie and veteran Canadian legislators alike, is justified on its substantial merits alone."

— Canadian Journal of Political Science

"This book makes some sensible suggestions for improving standards in Canadian public life."

— Record

"The book is both a theoretical framework and an operations manual to guide the ethical conduct of public office holders."

— Literary Review of Canada

"The authors seem to believe that honesty in politics is possible... recommended reading."

— Fredericton Daily Gleaner

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