New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $4.99
category: Self-help
published: Jul 2011
publisher: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Hope and Healing after Suicide

A practical guide for people who have lost someone to suicide in Ontario


tagged: death, grief, bereavement

When people die by suicide, they leave behind family and friends who suddenly find themselves mourning the person’s loss and wondering what happened. This guide addresses many personal issues related to a death by suicide, including telling others, working through the grief, finding what helps people to heal, and grieving in children and youth. This Ontario guide also outlines practical things that need taking care of, such as arranging a funeral and dealing with the deceased's personal, legal and financial matters. A resource section lists organizations, websites and books that may help.

About the Author


Le Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale (CAMH) est le plus grand hôpital d’enseignement dans les domaines de la toxicomanie et de la santé mentale au Canada. CAMH intègre les soins cliniques, la recherche scientifique ainsi que les activités de sensibilisation, d’élaboration de politiques et de promotion de la santé afin de transformer la vie des personnes touchées par des problèmes de toxicomanie et de santé mentale.

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