New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $11.99
also available: Paperback
category: Fiction
published: Nov 2020
publisher: NeWest Press

Image Decay

by Mark Lisac

tagged: political, legal, urban life

Includes author-curated discussion questions!
Mark Lisac’s Image Decay returns to the pugnacious world of backroom politics laid out in his award-nominated Where the Bodies Lie. Set again in that “unnamed capital city east of the Rockies,” where the Brutalist architecture of the downtown core reflects the body politic laid bare.

When a cantankerous ex-government photographer seeks ownership of his prints, the powers-that-be are determined to prevent the release of certain sensitive photos. Set in the 1990s, this political thriller delves into questions of identity and memory, established power and its fears and secrets, old stock versus newcomers, belonging and alienation.Image Decay investigates the intricacies of political manipulation, personal anxieties, and how history must be seen to be confronted.

About the Author

Mark Lisac

Originally from Hamilton, Ontario, Mark Lisac began his journalism career in Saskatchewan. In 1978, he moved to Edmonton, where he has since focused his writing on Alberta politics.
Editorial Review

"With his eye for detail and the courage to inflect his genre conventions, Lisac proves a dab hand at conveying weighty themes lightly."
~ Maurice Yacowar, Alberta Views

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