New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $32.00
also available: eBook
category: History
published: Dec 1998
publisher: University of Ottawa Press

Images of Canadianness

Visions on Canada's Politics, Culture, and Economics

edited by Leen D'Haenens


Images of Canadianness offers backgrounds and explanations for a series of relevant—if relatively new—features of Canada, from political, cultural, and economic angles.
Each of its four sections contains articles written by Canadian and European experts that offer original perspectives on a variety of issues: voting patterns in English-speaking Canada and Quebec; the vitality of French-language communities outside Quebec; the Belgian and Dutch immigration waves to Canada and the resulting Dutch-language immigrant press; major transitions taking place in Nunavut; the media as a tool for self-government for Canada's First Peoples; attempts by Canadian Indians to negotiate their position in society; the Canada-US relationship; Canada's trade with the EU; and Canada's cultural policy in the light of the information highway.
Published in English.

About the Author

Leen D'Haenens

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