New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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category: Drama
published: Jun 2011
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

Inspiration Point

by John Garfield Barlow

tagged: canadian

Poised between hope and despair, each man faces how best to move beyond the past and adapt to a future in which cultural legacy seems destined to diminish. Symbolic and politically charged, Inspiration Point speaks about life on a small Maritime reservation and the constant struggle for cultural survival.

About the Author
John Garfield Barlow is a Migmaw of the Indian Island First Nation on the east coast of New Brunswick. John is an artist and playwright and lives with his wife and three children in New Brunswick.
Contributor Notes

John Garfield Barlow is a Migmaw of the Indian Island First Nation on the east coast of New Brunswick. John is an artist and playwright and lives with his wife and three children in New Brunswick.

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