Sam's sister, accompanied by their father, is in a city hospital, far away from their home on a remote island off the West Coast. Determined to be with his family for Christmas, Sam catches a ride on a Santa Boat, a vessel that brings Santa Claus to visit children along the coast. Before Sam is finally delivered to the city, he will become a seasoned deckhand and Santa's helper. And he will know what it is to bring happiness to others at Christmas, a present he will be able to share with his sister, who is waiting for him. In this beautiful picturebook, a distinguished author and illustrator team up to pay tribute to Kaare Norgaard, who annually transformed his ship, the Blue Fjord, into a floating sleigh that delivered Christmas gifts to island children who would otherwise do without.
"A tender story about the importance of giving...Simple but moving..The illustrations are soft, almost misty, like memory, and their tone is nostalgic and inviting. The book is likely to bring comfort and security to children and families facing a medical crisis, particularly around the holidays...A small but strong book about compassionate action."