New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: eBook
category: Drama
published: Apr 2012
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

It Is Solved By Walking

by Catherine Banks

tagged: canadian, women authors

When Margaret learns of the death of her former husband, she recalls their earliest days together as Ph.D. candidates, beginning a journey through her past. Told through the sensations of Wallace Stevens's poem "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," the subject of her uncompleted thesis, Margaret evokes beautiful, ordinary and painful sexual memories from before, after and during their marriage. Stevens, a guiding voice in her head for twenty-five years, cajoles Margaret into unearthing the reasons she never became the poet, scholar, wife or mother she thought she would be. Bold and poetic, It is Solved by Walking is an intimate portrait of a writer making her way back to poetry one step at a time.

About the Author

Catherine Banks

Catherine Banks’ plays include It is Solved by Walking, Bone Cage, Three Storey Ocean View, Bitter Rose and The Summer of the Piping Plover. Bitter Rose aired on Bravo! Canada. Bone Cage, won the Governor General’s Award in 2008 and It is Solved by Walking won the GG in 2012. Banks’ plays are characterized by black humour, and compelling dramatic metaphor. It is Solved by Walking has been translated into Catalan by Tant per Tant and was one of three Canadian plays that toured Catalonia in November, 2012.

  • Winner, Governor General's Literary Award
Editorial Review

A beautifully written and bountiful play.

— The Calgary Herald
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