New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $9.99
category: Fiction
published: May 2007
publisher: Inanna Publications

Jackfish, The Vanishing Village

by Sarah Felix Burns

tagged: contemporary women, literary

Jackfish, The Vanishing Village tells the story of a woman unravelling from a traumatic past and her yearning for redemption. When her sister dies prematurely, Clemance-Marie Nadeau leaves her family and village behind, boarding a train bound for Sault Ste. Marie, where she falls under the spell of a charming stranger who promises her a life of adventure, and then holds her captive with her guilt and his threats of violence. Years later, when Clemance moves to the United States, she feels like an outsider, but Clemance is also in exile from herself. Discovering she is pregnant at the age of forty-two sets in motion a series of events that awakens a painful memory, long-buried in her embattled body, and so begins the long and sometimes harrowing journey back to her homeland, and to herself.

About the Author

Sarah Felix Burns

Sarah has a degree in women’s studies and history from the University of British Columbia and a masters degree in social work from the University of Toronto. Sarah’s first novel Jackfish, The Vanishing Village was published in late 2007 and won the 2009 Northern Lit Award. Originally from a village outside of Sault Ste. Marie in northern Ontario, Sarah now lives in Colorado but still considers Canada her home.

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