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list price: $19.95
also available: eBook
category: Fiction
published: Mar 2014
publisher: Breakwater Books Ltd.

Keeper of Tides

by Beatrice Macneil

tagged: literary, contemporary women

At age ninety-two, Ivadoile Spears is in the grip of early dementia. Alone except for a cat named Rose and an old cedar box filled with photographs, Ivadoile is stubbornly set on living out her remaining years in the now-vacant Tides Inn on Cape Breton Island. The only child of cold and withdrawn parents and widowed by the age of twenty-eight, a younger Ivadoile turned the Tides Inn into a retreat for the broken-spirited. But she had not been prepared for Ambrose Kane – a southerner who entered, bringing a cold wind in his dirty shirt.

About the Author
Beatrice Macneil is the bestselling author of Where Wild Horses Gallop, Butterflies Dance in the Dark, and The Moonlight Skater. In 1999, she received the Tic Butler Award for outstanding contribution to Cape Breton writing and culture.
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