New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $12.95
also available: Paperback
category: Political Science
published: May 2012
publisher: Linda Leith Publishing

Keeping the Public in Public Education

by Rick Salutin

tagged: economic policy, philosophy & social aspects

In this trenchant essay, Salutin explores and defends public education at a time when the public sector "dares not utter its name for fear of derision and worse." He simplifies complex issues with the observation that "almost anything can work" if educators are genuinely committed and teachers are respected rather than demonized. He travels to Finland to study the world's most successful public education system. He challenges the sacred cow of educational "choice" and emphasizes that public element of public education instils a natural pride in community and diversity, something no other form of teaching can offer.

About the Author
Rick Salutin

Rick Salutin has written award-winning drama Les Canadiens, 1837: The Farmer's Revolt, fiction A Man of Little Faith and journalism (op-ed columnist for The Globe and Mail from 1991-2010 and the Toronto Star since then). He has taught almost continuously, in some manner, since he was about 15, including a course in the Canadian Studies program at University College, the University of Toronto, since 1978.

  • Winner, The Lamp of Learning Award

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