New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $16.95
also available: eBook
category: Drama
published: Nov 2012
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

Kilt Pins

by Catherine Hernandez

tagged: canadian, teenagers

In a Catholic high school in Scarborough, Ontario, amidst low-income housing, difficult race relations, and poverty, a young woman struggles to find her sexual identity. In this sincere portrayal of high-school kids pitting the voice of God and thousands of years of scripture against the voice of their own bodies, Kilt Pins cheekily asks "Is your kilt pin up or down?"

About the Author

Catherine Hernandez

CATHERINE HERNANDEZ is a proud queer woman of colour and an award-winning author. She is of Filipino, Spanish, Chinese and Indian heritage and is married into the Navajo Nation. Her debut novel, Scarborough, which was adapted into an award-winning motion picture, won the Jim Wong-Chu Emerging Writers Award as an unpublished manuscript. It was a finalist for the Toronto Book Award, the Forest of Reading Evergreen Award, the Edmund White Award, the Trillium Book Award and Canada Reads. Her second novel, Crosshairs, made the CBC’s Best Canadian Fiction list and was named one of NOW magazine’s 10 Best Books, an Audible Best Audiobook and an NBC 20 Best LGBTQ Book. Her most recent novel, The Story of Us, was shortlisted for the Forest of Reading Evergreen Award and longlisted for a Toronto Book Award. Catherine Hernandez is also a playwright and the author of the children’s books M Is for Mustache: A Pride ABC Book, I Promise and Where Do Your Feelings Live? She lives outside Toronto.

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