New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $9.99
also available: Paperback
category: Literary Collections
published: Nov 2013
publisher: Signature Editions

Language Matters

Interviews with 22 Quebec Poets

edited by Carolyn Marie Souaid & Endre Farkas

tagged: canadian

"May you live in interesting times." So goes the ancient Chinese curse. In Quebec, we are always living in "interesting" times. Where else in Canada, perhaps even the world, do you have official language police that patrol the highways and byways of the province looking for missing accents, illegal apostrophes and on/off switches in the wrong language? Where else in Canada do you have to make sure that sign size matters? Is it 30% bigger or smaller than the other? Where else in Canada do you pause to consider how to say hello to someone before you actually do?

Launched in 2009 on St. Jean Baptiste Day, Poetry Quebec was an online magazine dedicated to showcasing the English-language poets and poetry of "la belle province." Its founding editors and publishers--poets themselves--came from very different backgrounds but shared the desire to make sure the English-language poetry of Quebec got the attention it deserved. In this book, some of the best and most innovative English-language poets of Canada--rising stars and award-winning authors--reflect on these and other questions of politics and poetics. Culled from the website and expanded for this publication, those interviewed include Erin Moure and Stephanie Bolster (winners, Governor General's Award); GG nominee David McGimpsey; Trillium Prize nominee Mary di Michele; Susan Gillis and Gabe Foreman (winners, A.M. Klein Poetry Prize), Carolyn Marie Souaid and Endre Farkas (winners, Zebra International Poetry Film Festival, Berlin); performance poets Catherine Kidd, Moe Clark and kaie kellough; and Rhodes scholar Mark Abley--all contemplating the work they do against the backdrop of this interesting place and time.

About the Authors

Carolyn Marie Souaid

Endre Farkas was born in Hajdunánás, Hungary in 1948. Along with his parents, he escaped from Hungary during the 1956 revolution and has lived in and around Montreal ever since. He is a poet, playwright, and performer.
Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
15 to 18
10 to 12
Editorial Review

It is hardly surprising that poets should be articulate and thoughtful in conversation about their practice. Their daily working lives constellate around language: listening to it, looking for it, recording it before whatever the Muse whispers to them evanesces....The Quebec poets featured in Language Matters are almost uniformly smart and thoughtful in answering a series of set questions. The questions vary from the straightforward ("Which Quebec poet did you first read?" -- Leonard Cohen is the answer for a stunning majority) to the complex ("Why do you write?"), and the responses tell us much about the poets (Stephanie Bolster, Erin Moure, Jason Camlot, Robyn Sarah, among many others) and their work, as well as providing insight into their strategies for composing poems. Anyone interested in poetry in general, and especially poetry in Quebec, will find these interviews deeply engaging.

— Quill and Quire

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