New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: eBook
category: Poetry
published: Apr 2016
publisher: Vehicule Press
imprint: Signal Editions

Late Victorians

by Vincent Colistro

tagged: canadian

"I was only born into the world," begins one of Vincent Colistro's poems, "didn't invade it, didn't ransom it for a nicer one." The Late Victorians, Colistro's debut, is a beguilingly irreverent investigation of the life he was "born into." Hyper-fluent, riding wave after wave of copious invention, Colistro builds his weirdness from scratch, turning simple ideas into sense-resisting parables full of deranged twists and dizzying embellishments. ("We Rick-rolled, we raised / pre-flop, we flapped our pool noodles / at each other's caboose.") Wily, witty and packed with brilliant sleights of hand, The Late Victorians announces an original talent.

About the Author

Vincent Colistro poems have appeared in The Walrus, Hazlitt, Geist and Arc. He was a prize-winner in the 2012 Short Grain contest, and was nominated for National Magazine Award for Poetry in 2014. He lives in Toronto.

Editorial Review

"[Vincent Colistro's] ornate phrasings and original imagery force us into awe."-Jeramy Dodds, Short Grain contest judge's comment.

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