New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: eBook
category: Drama
published: Nov 2006
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press


by Rosa Laborde, introduction by Richard Rose

tagged: canadian

Told through Leoâ??s memories, the play travels through childhood, first friends, and first loves. Passion and poetry weave together in this story of innocence disappeared.

About the Authors

Rosa Laborde

Rosa Labordé’s plays have been produced across Canada. She has been nominated for the Dora Mavor Moore Award, has been a finalist for the Governor General’s Literary Award for Drama and was the 2012 recipient of the KM Hunter Artist’s Award for Theatre. Rosa continues to be playwright-in-residence at Tarragon Theatre as well as Toronto’s Aluna Theatre. Also an actress, Rosa continues to work regularly on stage and screen and has been nominated for both a Gemini Award and a Dora Award for performance. Rosa is a graduate of the Oxford School of Drama in Oxford, England and is a 2012 graduate of the Canadian Film Centre’s Primetime Television Writing Program.

Richard Rose is the Artistic Director of Tarragon Theatre. Prior to joining the Tarragon in 2002, Richard was Founding Artistic Director at Necessary Angel (a position he held from 1978–2002), Associate Director for Canadian Stage Company, Director of the Stratford Festival Young Company, and spent ten seasons directing at the Stratford Festival.

He has directed plays across Canada, the United States, and in London’s West End in styles ranging from the environmental to the classical. Richard is well known for developing new work, including four plays that won the Governor General’s Literary Award and nine other nominated plays. He is a four-time Dora award winner for direction and production and has had numerous nominations.

Contributor Notes

Rosa Laborde is a playwright and actress. Previous plays include The Source, produced as part of the Rhubarb! Festival at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, and the Toronto Fringe hit Sugar, voted Outstanding New Play by NOW Magazine. She currently resides in Toronto.

Editorial Reviews

â??â?¦an engaging play about three young people in 60s and 70s Chile. Funny and intense in turn, Labordeâ??s script, filled with poetic monologues and pungent dialogue, is about the boundless universe that the young see before them and the limits later imposed by lifeâ??s experiences.â?
â??NOW Magazine

â??This is clearly one of the most interesting, captivating and thought-provoking new scripts to come our way in a long time and it marks Laborde as a writer who deserves both attention and respectâ?¦. Leo is a small jewel that hums with vibrant writing and powerfully felt emotions.â? â??Toronto Star

â??Thereâ??s a unique writing voice, considerable stylistic panache and a sophisticated approach to both drama and politics that suggest a playwright whose promiseâ?¦ will be fulfilled in future works.â?
â??The Globe and Mail

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