New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $18.00
category: Fiction
published: May 2015
publisher: Quattro Books


by Showey Yazdanian

tagged: literary

I'm five foot four, sour-faced and sweaty; every dress shirt I have ever owned is dotted with Jackson Pollock driblets of perspiration. Next to the seven-foot Confidence Men who lope around boardrooms in scented mists of aftershave, I look like Dobby the House Elf ..."

Walter Roger's dream of being a wealthy lawyer dies after he is caught red-handed trying to outsource his course-work to India. Humiliated, he takes a job working for his eccentric former classmate, the one-man insult machine Octavian Castro. Together Walter and Octavian create the least successful law firm of all time ... until one day everything changes. The bulimic genius Ferdinand "Mags" Magellan unearths a peculiar loophole in the immigration law that will either make them all millionaires ... or destroy them.

Loopholes is a fast-paced, witty comic romp set in Toronto, Canada and Havana, Cuba.

About the Author
Showey Yazdanian has contributed to Maclean's, The Toronto Star, The Guelph Mercury, The Lawyer's Weekly, The Ithaca Journal, The Manchester Evening News and the story collection Footprints for Mothers and Daughters. Showey grew up in Toronto and graduated with a law degree from Western University and a Ph.D. from Cornell University. Read more at

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