New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $11.99
also available: Paperback
category: Fiction
published: Sep 2013
publisher: NeWest Press

Love at Last Sight

by Thea Bowering

tagged: short stories (single author), contemporary women, urban life

“So I have always walked alleys alone, with my monster face, listening through a wall for the words that might cultivate me, that are contained within the homes of ex-lovers, the ones who caught a glimpse and ran away.”

In the neon-slick streets of Thea Bowering’s imagination, monster girls and femme flâneurs roam, anthropologist’s eyes on barroom denizens, disguising themselves in men’s clothing and embarking on doomed love affairs. Old World meets New World as the cafés and piazzas of Europe’s capitals intermingle with the dust and desolation of the 21st Century modern West.

Strikingly modern while also filled with fin de siècle regret, Thea Bowering’s first story collection is shot through with allusion and timeless themes given new life.

Praise for Love at Last Sight
"A remarkable voice, Bowering is a welcome addition to the Canadian literary scene."
~ Publishers Weekly
"Bowering is an inventive and original writer, unafraid to be playful and take unexpected turns."
~ Zoe Whittall, Quill and Quire
"Bowering’s literary turf is urban and gritty, with thoroughly modern and often angsty stories about young men and women."
~ Sarah Murdoch, Toronto Star
"This is essential Edmonton reading, right up there with the best we have to offer."
~ Tom Murray, Edmonton Journal

About the Author
Thea Bowering has been published in The Capilano Review, Matrix, Dandelion, The Vancouver Sun and Scandinavian Canadian Studies. A native of Vancouver, she now makes her home in Edmonton, Alberta. Her first book, Love at Last Sight, was released by NeWest Press in Fall 2013.
  • Winner, Trade Fiction Book Award at the Alberta Book Awards
  • Long-listed, Alberta Readers' Choice Award

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