New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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category: Drama
published: Jul 2010
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press


by Damien Atkins

tagged: canadian

A world-renowned and much-respected anthropologist, Vivian is most comfortable in her world of quiet solitude, balking at even the idea of interaction with the outside world. Her life is abruptly changed, however, when her ex-husband shows up and asks Vivian to take their thirteen-year-old autistic daughter, Lucy.

Reluctantly, Vivian agrees, although motherhood is something that she never desired. Overwhelmed by the particulars of Lucy's care and unable to connect with her daughter at first, Vivian soon realizes that Lucy isn't that different from her—socially awkward, emotionally withholding, and reclusive—and slowly comes to believe that she and Lucy are the next step in the evolutionary chain. A powerful play about the relationship between mother and daughter, the power of love, and the rare moments in life when something, or someone, comes along and forces us to re-evaluate our own lives and the way we respond to the world around us.

About the Author

Damien Atkins

Actor and playwright Damien Atkins was born in Australia, grew up in Alberta, and now makes his home in Toronto. He is the author of the solo shows miss chatelaine, Real Live Girl, and We Are Not Alone, and the plays Good Mother, Lucy, The Mill Part Four: Ash, The Gay Heritage Project (with Andrew Kushnir and Paul Dunn), and an adaptation of C.S. Lewis's Prince Caspian. He has been produced all across Canada and the US, including at both the Stratford and Shaw Festivals. Damien has been playwright-in-residence at Canadian Stage, Crow's Theatre, Factory Theatre, and Necessary Angel. He has received ten Dora Mavor Moore Award nominations for acting and writing, winning four. 

Editorial Review

"…Atkins offers a striking take on evolution and civilization, and the play vibrates with tension and possibilities."

— NOW Magazine

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