In Made for Happiness, Jean Vanier examines the basis for modern moral philosophy and its role in our lives today. Having discovered through his work with the intellectually disabled the degree to which our society is divided, and our values misplaced, Vanier invites us to read with fresh eyes theories of happiness written 2,400 years ago.
The book follows the links between psychology, spirituality, and morality: psychology helps us face our fears and limitations; spirituality gives us strength; and morality helps us to choose the best actions, those that will make us happier, and thus more human. The combination of these paths to knowledge and wisdom gives meaning to our lives and allows us to make the best use of our freedom on our way to happiness.
Jean Vanier is the son of former governor general Georges Vanier, and founder of L'Arche, an international network of communities for people with developmental disabilities. He has written a number of books, including Becoming Human (the 1999 CBC Massey Lectures), Finding Peace, Made for Happiness, Encountering the Other, and Befriending the Stranger. Jean lives in Trosly-Breuil, France.
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