New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $13.99
also available: Paperback
category: Drama
published: Oct 2013
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

Maggie and Pierre & The Duchess

by Linda Griffiths

tagged: canadian, political

Winner of the first Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding New Play, Maggie and Pierre chronicles the public and private relationship between Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Trudeau from 1974-1980. In this mock epic tale three characters, Pierre, Margaret, and Henry, a newspaper reporter navigate the landscape of a changing nation and opposing ideals. The Duchess tells the story of Wallis Simpson, the infamous woman for whom Edward VIII abdicated his throne in 1936. Wallis was brazen and sexual, and unintentionally steered the course of British history as she captivated the king. An inspired epic, The Duchess traverses between a straightforward narrative and magic realism.

About the Author

Linda Griffiths

Playwright/actor Linda Griffiths is the winner of five Dora Mavor Moore Awards, a Gemini award, two Chalmers awards, the Quizanne International Festival Award and Los Angeles's A.G.A. Award for her title performance in the John Sayles film Lianna . She's been nominated twice for the Governor General's Award. Her twelve plays include Chronic, Alien Creature, The Duchess: a.k.a Wallis Simpson and Maggie & Pierre . She is the co-author (with Maria Campbell) of The Book of Jessica .
Contributor Notes

Linda Griffiths is an actress, producer, and writer who has received numerous awards for her contributions to theatre. She has won five Dora Mavor Moore awards, including wins for Maggie and Pierre, O.D. in Paradise, Jessica, and Alien Creature; a Gemini award; two Chalmers Canadian Play Awards for Jessica and Alien Creature; and a Quizanne International Festival award for Jessica. Linda has twice been nominated for the Governor General's Literary Award. She lives in Toronto.

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