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category: Fiction
published: Oct 2014
publisher: Signature Editions

Many Unpleasant Returns

A Rudley Mystery

by Judith Alguire

tagged: cozy

Everyone at the Pleasant Inn is looking forward to a very merry Christmas. Oh, irascible proprietor Trevor Rudley has his usual complaints about Mrs. Blount's non-traditional floral arrangements. And he’s sure he won’t like housekeeper Tiffany’s new beau, Dan Thornton, who's a writer, of all things. But it’s Christmas. The guests are excitedly preparing the Christmas pageant and chef Gregoire is spoiling everyone with his delightful cuisine. There's a snowstorm on the way, but Trevor and Margaret Rudley have everything under control. Surely nothing catastrophic could happen. Bad things do happen, of course. Once the snow begins, it seems like it will never stop. Poor Margaret runs over a man lying in the road during a whiteout. Walter Sawchuck almost chokes when someone doctors his Mrs. Dash. And those disturbing little Santas begin to appear, each one representing a gruesome event in the Pleasant’s past. Then a dead body is found hanged in the coach house. As the snow continues to fall, paranoia at the Pleasant mounts.

About the Author

Judith Alguire

In addition to the popular Rudley Mystery series, which is named for the cantankerous proprietor of The Pleasant Inn, and includes Pleasantly Dead, The Pumpkin Murders, A Most Unpleasant Wedding, Peril at the Pleasant, and Many Unpleasant Returns, Judith Alguire also has two previous novels to her credit, All Out and Iced. Her short stories, articles and essays have appeared in publications such as The Malahat Review and Harrowsmith, and she is a past member of the editorial board of the Kingston Whig-Standard. A graduate of Queen's University, she has recently retired from nursing.

Contributor Notes

Judith Alguire is a Kingston, Ontario writer, whose novels include Pleasantly Dead, The Pumpkin Murders,  A Most Unpleasant Wedding, Peril at the Pleasant, and Many Unpleasant Returns, all of which are part of the continuing Rudley Mystery series. Her short stories, articles, and essays have appeared in such publications as The Malahat Review andHarrowsmith, and she is a past member of the editorial board of the Kingston Whig-Standard. A graduate of Queen’s University, she has recently retired from nursing.

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