New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $5.99 USD
also available: Paperback
category: Comics & Graphic Novels
published: Jun 2020
publisher: Between the Lines

May Day

A Graphic History of Protest

illustrated by Sam Bradd; Trevor Mckilligan, by Robin Folvik; Mark Leier; Sean Carleton & Graphic History Collective

tagged: nonfiction, labor & industrial relations

May Day: A Graphic History of Protest traces the development of International Workers’ Day, May 1st, against the ever-changing economic and political backdrop in Canada. Recognizing the importance of work and the historical struggles of workers to improve their lives, with a particular focus on the struggles of May 1st, the comic includes the reader as part of this history, and the story concludes that “We are all part of this historical struggle; it’s our history and our future.”

About the Authors

Sam Bradd

Sam Bradd (illustrator) makes prints, posters, and illustrations for a variety of social justice causes. He likes cycling, growing food, and cooking big dinners.

Trevor Mckilligan

Trevor Mckilligan (illustrator) has lived in Vancouver since 2001. He has been a participant in many grassroots projects in East Vancouver. His preferred weapon is black ink.

Robin Folvik

Robin Folvik (writer) holds a degree in Women’s Studies, has a love for learning, and is currently working on a number of projects focusing on the history of work and workers in British Columbia.

Mark Leier

Mark Leier teaches in the History Department at Simon Fraser University. He is the author of four books on labour and left history and a biography of the 19th century anarchist Mikhail Bakunin. An award-winning teacher, his research focuses on questions of political ideology, organization, resistance, and democratic pedagogy.

Sean Carleton

Sean Carleton is a settler historian and professor of history and Indigenous Studies at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Treaty 1 Territory.

Graphic History Collective

The Graphic History Collective is made up of activists, artists, writers, and researchers passionate about comics, history, and social change. They produce alternative histories—people’s histories—in an accessible format to help people understand the historical roots of contemporary social issues. Graphic History Collective comics show that you don’t need a cape and a pair of tights to change the world. Members of the Graphic History Collective are organized with the Canadian Freelance Union, a Community Chapter of Unifor.

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