New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $11.95
also available: Paperback
category: Poetry
published: Oct 2015
publisher: Coach House Books

Mission Creep

by Joshua Trotter

tagged: canadian, death, love

A spun radio dial passing clean through poetry. A stuttering loop of Endgame recorded by Stockhausen, remixed by Kraftwerk. The chatter of minotaurs and metadata. Transmissions from far-off futures or new pasts, recordings from a recoded present topped off with a cherry. Evel Knievel, above it all, mysterious, forever taciturn. Mission Creep comes on with the inferno of apocalyptic prophecy and melts on your tongue like the last snowflake of a nuclear winter.

Praise for Joshua Trotter:

'Joshua Trotter’s long-awaited debut is here, and it’s every bit as good as we’d hoped. His poems have the one maker’s mark of authenticity that absolutely cannot be faked: a fresh style that holds novelty and tradition in creative tension. ... By turns funny and terrifying, airy and claustrophobic, non-representational and razor-sharp, Trotter is stock to buy early and hold.'
National Post (on All This Could Be Yours)

'A miracle of meter and meteorology'
– Poetry Foundation (on All This Could Be Yours)

About the Author

Joshua Trotter lives in Montreal. His work has been anthologized in Jailbreaks: 99 Canadian Sonnets and The Best Canadian Poetry in English. His first book, All This Could Be Yours, was selected by the National Post as one of the top 10 poetry books of 2010.

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