New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $30.00
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category: Biography & Autobiography
published: Apr 2023
publisher: RMB | Rocky Mountain Books

Mr. Mindbomb

Eco-hero and Greenpeace Co-founder Bob Hunter — A Life in Stories

edited by Bobbi Hunter, introduction by Paul Watson, afterword by Elizabeth May

tagged: environmentalists & naturalists, environmental conservation & protection

A collection of personal essays detailing the life and achievements of a renowned environmental hero and activist.

Mr. Mindbomb is a chronology of the significant events of Bob Hunter’s life, written chapter by chapter by those who knew him. Where one contributor leaves off, the next picks up, moving the reader through another moment in time, sharing some new insight. This is the real life and legacy of Bob Hunter: Canadian eco-hero, author of 14 books, winner of a Governor General’s Award, popular journalist, and recipient of a magical salute of gratitude from a pod of whales.

Part adventure thriller, part comedy, part documentary, and part provocation for individuals to stand up for the environment, it’s a rare look through the lens and perspective of those touched by Bob’s influence. By finding kindred spirits in the voices of each of the contributors, many of whom continue the work, it’s a powerful reminder that things don’t happen in a vacuum. Fifteen years after Bob’s much-too-early passing, Mr. Mindbomb is a reminder that any one person, fuelled by commitment and love, can find others who feel the same, and together they can do extraordinarily heroic deeds for the well-being of all.

Contributors include: Cathy Anderson, Aline Barber, David Berner, Jim Deacove, Marlayna Demco, Patricia Demco, Janine Ferretti, Bill Gannon, Douglas Gibson, Bobbi Hunter, Darren Hunter, Donald Hunter, Emily Hunter, Justine Hunter, Will Hunter, Stephen Hurlbut, Teri Innes, Ryan Jackson, Lea Ann Mallett, Marnie Marchant, Rod Marining, Sandy Maskell, Elizabeth May, Joyce Mclean, Peter O'Brian, Chris Pash, Walt Patterson, Ronald Precious, Jim Robb, Jerry Rothwell, Paul Ruzycki, Stephen Scharper, Steve Shallhorn, Todd Southgate, Peter Speck, Paul Spong, Carlie Trueman, Captain Paul Watson, Linda Weinberg, Rex Weyler, Hap Wilson, Dinah Yvonne, and Moses Znaimer.

About the Authors
Bobbi Hunter was treasurer, co-founder, main fundraiser, office coordinator, strategist and constant facilitator for the Greenpeace Foundation from 1974 to 1978. She was married to Bob Hunter for 31 years and is the mother of his two children, Will and Emily Hunter, and stepmother to his daughter Justine. Since Bob’s untimely death, she has worked tirelessly to keep his legacy alive. Bobbi lives in Toronto, Ontario.

Captain Paul Watson is a marine wildlife conservation and environmental activist. Watson was one of the founding members and directors of Greenpeace. In 1977 he left Greenpeace and founded the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

Elizabeth May is the Member of Parliament for the southern Vancouver Island riding of Saanich-Gulf Islands and served as leader of the Green Party of Canada from 2006–2019. She is the author of eight books, including Paradise Won: The Struggle to Create Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve.
Editorial Review

“A unique and timely book about an extraordinary man. Part biography, part memoir, Mr. Mindbomb is a well-deserved celebration of a human being who taught us, among many other things, that the world can and must be changed for the better. His legacy can show us the way.” —Jeff Gailus, author of Little Black Lies and The Grizzly Manifesto

Mr. Mindbomb celebrates Bob Hunter, who inspired millions around the world to take up environmental activism, to stand up for all beings and for Mother Earth herself. The book is composed of memoirs by friends and colleagues Hunter inspired and worked with to help create the modern environmental activist movement.” —Rex Weyler, co-founder of Greenpeace International; author of Greenpeace: The Inside Story, Blood of the Land and The Jesus Sayings

“We need accounts of exemplary lives, and surely this is one! It’s a reminder that others have found ways to make the kind of change we desperately need now.” —Bill McKibben, author of The End of Nature and many other bestsellers

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