New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $12.99
category: Drama
published: Sep 2012
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

Ned Durango

by Norm Foster & Leslie Arden

tagged: canadian

In the town of Big Oak lies the Crossroads Cafe, where five locals come together to plan the annual Tomato Parade. With everything in place, the town hopes the parade can sweeten the hearts of potential investors who are considering Big Oak for a new amusement park, which could bring tourists and an end to the town's financial distress. So who else should ride in the show but Ned Durango, beloved idol and star cowboy. Well, to some at least. Norm Foster and Leslie Arden deliver a comedic yet touching musical of big dreams and new beginnings.

About the Authors
Norm Foster has written sixty plays and has been produced all over the world from Newfoundland to Australia. His most popular plays include The Melville Boys, The Ladies Foursome, Hilda’s Yard, and On A First Name Basis. He has been given the Los Angeles Drama-Logue Award for The Melville Boys, and The Motor Trade won the best new play award at the Hollywood NAACP Awards in 2012. He was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2017.

Leslie Arden is an acclaimed musical theatre composer, lyricist, and librettist. She is best known for her work The House of Martin Guerre, which has played throughout Canada and the US. Leslie is the artistic director and co-founder of the Children's Trio, a company dedicated to theatre for young audiences, and is currently a playwright-in-residence at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival.
Editorial Review

"Ned Durango is musical comedy at its best."

— The Wellington Advertiser

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