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list price: $12.99 USD
category: Religion
published: Mar 2010
publisher: Between the Lines

No-Nonsense Guide to Religion

by Symon Hill

tagged: religion, politics & state

“Religion” is a term that the media often use without any clarification. But it is a loaded word that encompasses hundreds of different beliefs. Religion can be seen as a source of war and peace, love and hate, dialogue and narrow-mindedness. The globalization of communications has raised awareness of religious conversion, with more people than ever before belonging to a different religious community than their parents.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Religion considers how religion has shaped our culture, and how our culture is shaping religion today.

About the Author

Symon Hill

Symon Hill is a tutor in Practical Theology, a writer, a trainer, and an activist. He has written comment pieces for newspapers ranging from the Sunday Herald to the Daily Mail and contributes regularly to the Guardian website, The Friend, and Ekklesia.

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