SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>SPAN lang=EN>This module focuses on understanding number to 200. Concepts include even and odd numbers, ordinal numbers, and representing, describing, comparing, ordering, and estimating numbers to 100. As well, students begin to explore place-value to 100.
Also included:
All modules include a list of children's books and websites related to the mathematics topics introduced, a detailed introduction to the Hands-On Mathematics program (guiding principles, implementation guidelines, an overview of the skills that students use and develop during mathematics inquiry), and a classroom assessment plan and record-keeping templates.