Here is inventive new poetry from one of our most original and admired poets: Erin Moure, two-time winner of the Governor General's Literary Award for Poetry, winner of the Pat Lowther Memorial Award, and a finalist for the prestigious Griffin Poetry Prize.Moure's brilliant collection explores the idea that the act of reading contains all the experiences of the body itself: love, splendour, travel, doubling, loss. The "resplandor" of the title refers to the radiance of the body when the language of the book flows into ears and eyes. In unexpected ways -- through impossible translation, anachronistic journeys, and a fictional mystery that involves a search for a translator who exists only in the future beyond the book itself - O Resplandor confounds notions of authorship and translation, all while conveying the clamour over love and loss. Richly challenging and charged with Erin Moure's distinctive energy, O Resplandor is a work about the powerful light contained in the human body, in translation, and in poetry - even as it shows how these are all one and the same in the end: inventions.
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