New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $12.99
also available: Paperback
category: Drama
published: Mar 2010
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

One Voice

House and Here Lies Henry

by Daniel MacIvor, introduction by Daniel Brooks

tagged: canadian

Giving his characters life in a whirlwind of words, Daniel MacIvor showcases his talents as a writer and performer in two of his most celebrated solo shows. Published here for the first time in their newly revised scripts, House and Here Lies Henry seethe with anger and soothe with comedy.In House, Victor drags his audience through his life, his fantasies, his desires, and his recent push to the edge. Here Lies Henry is a story about a man alone on a room with a mission to tell you something you don't already know.

About the Authors

Daniel MacIvor

Daniel Brooks was one of Canada’s most accomplished theatre makers. As a writer, director and performer he collaborated with some of the country’s finest talents in producing a body of daring and original work. He created shows with Don McKellar, Tracy Wright, Daniel MacIvor, Guillermo Verdecchia, Leah Cherniak, John Mighton, Rick Miller, Diego Matamoros, and Michael Ondaatje, among others. His many achievements include a series of monologues created with Daniel MacIvor, direction of work by John Mighton, Beckett, Chekhov, Ibsen, Sophocles, Borges, and Goethe, the musical Drowsy Chaperone, and many creations including Insomnia, The Eco Show, The Good Life, The Noam Chomsky Lectures, Bigger Than Jesus, Pokey Jones, and a series of plays created with Don McKellar and Tracy Wright (The Augusta Company). He was co-artistic director of The Augusta Company, Artistic Director of Necessary Angel from 2003 to 2012, and an associate artist at Soulpepper Theatre. He was also a playwright in residence at the Tarragon Theatre for seven years. His many theatre awards include the Siminovitch Prize. His work has toured across Canada and around the world. During his career he won the Siminovitch Prize, the Chalmers Award, the Dora Mavor Moore Award (3 times), the Pauline McGibbon Award, the Edinburgh Fringe First Award, and the Capital Critics Circle Award. He was Nominated in 1992 for a Governor Generals Literary Award and named as a finalist in 2005.

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