New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $10.99
also available: Paperback
category: Drama
published: Jul 2002
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

Opening Night

by Norm Foster

tagged: canadian

During the opening night of a new play, the action is all in the audience and backstage. A funny, gentle look at human relationships.

The madcap antics start as Jack and Ruth Tisdale celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with an evening at the theatre. It's a dream come true for Ruth and an imposition for Jack who would rather be at home watching the World Series. However, after the events both on and off the stage that fateful night, their lives and those of all of those involved are irreparably altered.

About the Author

Norm Foster has been the most produced playwright in Canada every year for the past twenty years. His plays receive an average of one hundred and fifty productions annually. Norm has over sixty plays to his credit, including The Foursome, On a First Name Basis, and Hilda’s Yard. He is the recipient of the Los Angeles Drama-Logue Award for his play The Melville Boys and is an Officer of the Order of Canada. He lives in Fredericton.

Editorial Reviews

"…a yummy spoonful for theatregoers to swallow."

— Montreal Daily News

"Foster has created two wonderfully familiar Canadian characters, put them into an absurd situation and made the whole thing explode like a time bomb of hilarity."

— The Montreal Gazette

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