New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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category: Poetry
published: Dec 2008
publisher: Athabasca University Press
imprint: AU Press

Poems for a Small Park

by E.D. Blodgett

tagged: canadian

Blodgett wrote his poems for a small park in English and some inFrench, but was able to have some of them translated into Cree, Michif,Chinese, and Ukrainian. This reflects Edmonton’s uniquemulticultural ambience and the roles of diverse cultures in the makingof the city.

The powerful images and thoughtful metaphors in these short lyricsshow readers the connections between Canadian nature (even within citylimits) and the sublime, especially in the overwhelming silence we cansense outdoors – if we pay attention. The poet speaks to changeby helping us see natural phenomena around us in a different light eachtime we read his poems.

About the Author
E.D. Blodgett (1935-2018) published numerous books of poetry as well as diverse criticism and literary translations. He was Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature at the University of Alberta. He won the Governor General’s Award twice, for poetry and translation. From 2007 to 2009 he was Edmonton's Poet Laureate.
Contributor Notes

E.D. Blodgett, FRSC, is UniversityProfessor Emeritus of Comparative Literature at the University ofAlberta, and holds the Louis Desrochers Chair in Études Canadiennes atits Campus Saint-Jean. He has published 18 books of poetry, two ofwhich won the Governor General's Award, as well as Five-PartInvention: A History of Literary history in Canada. In 2007, hewas appointed Poet Laureate of Edmonton.

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