New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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category: Language Arts & Disciplines
published: Jun 2013
publisher: Wilfrid Laurier University Press

Producing Canadian Literature

Authors Speak on the Literary Marketplace

by Kit Dobson & Smaro Kamboureli

tagged: authorship, books & reading, publishing

Producing Canadian Literature: Authors Speak on the Literary Marketplace brings to light the relationship between writers in Canada and the marketplace within which their work circulates. Through a series of conversations with both established and younger writers from across the country, Kit Dobson and Smaro Kamboureli investigate how writers perceive their relationship to the cultural economy—and what that economy means for their creative processes.
The interviews in Producing Canadian Literature focus, in particular, on how writers interact with the cultural institutions and bodies that surround them. Conversations pursue the impacts of arts funding on writers; show how agents, editors, and publishers affect writers’ works; examine the process of actually selling a book, both in Canada and abroad; and contemplate what literary awards mean to writers. Dialogues with Christian Bök, George Elliott Clarke, Daniel Heath Justice, Larissa Lai, Stephen Henighan, Roy Miki, Erín Moure, Ashok Mathur, Lee Maracle, Jane Urquhart, and Aritha van Herk testify to the broad range of experience that writers in Canada have when it comes to the conditions in which their work is produced.
Original in its desire to directly explore the specific circumstances in which writers work—and how those conditions affect their writing itself—Producing Canadian Literature will be of interest to scholars, students, aspiring writers, and readers who have followed these authors and want to know more about how their books come into being.

About the Authors
Kit Dobson is Professor of English at the University of Calgary. His research and teaching are concerned with literatures in Canada, transnational studies, and questions of affect and ecology.

Smaro Kamboureli is Professor with the School of English and Theatre Studies, Canada Research Chair, and Director of TransCanada Institute, University of Guelph. Her award-winning work, Scandalous Bodies: Diasporic Literature in English Canada, was republished in 2009. She lives in Toronto.
Contributor Notes

Kit Dobson is an assistant professor of Canadian literature at Calgary’s Mount Royal University. He is the author of Transnational Canadas: Anglo-Canadian Literature and Globalization (WLU Press, 2009) and co-author, with Smaro Kamboureli, of Producing Canadian Literature: Authors Speak on the Literary Marketplace (WLU Press, 2012).
|Smaro Kamboureli is a professor and the Avie Bennett Chair in Canadian Literature in the English Department at the University of Toronto. She is the founder of the TransCanada series of books, published by WLU Press, originating from interdisciplinary conferences that initiated collaborative research on the methodologies and institutional structures and contexts that inform and shape the production, dissemination, teaching, and study of Canadian literature. Her most recent publications include Shifting the Ground of Canadian Literary Studies (WLU Press 2012), co-edited with Robert Zacharias and Producing Canadian Literature: Authors Speak on the Literary Marketplace (WLU Press, 2013), co-edited with Kit Dobson.

Editorial Reviews

A literature, if you can get someone to read it, will form a nation, will change that nation's form. We often think about ways in which the nation expresses itself through its writers; a few decades of Canadian criticism was promulgated on that notion. But writers are citizens, they live as citizens must, and they act politically as they write. They make a nation, but they do so by making a living. In Producing Canadian Literature a good sample of Canadian authors describe the text-making life as it has to be lived in our political reality.

— George Bowering, professor emeritus, Simon Fraser University, author of <i>Words,Words, Words: Essays and Memoirs</i> (2012), 2013 April

Smaro Kamboureli's TransCanada Institute produces cultural interventions that actively conjugate Canadian literary study into the present progressive tense.... Shifting the Ground of Canadian Literary Studies and Producing Canadian Literature ... make important contributions to the groundswell of methodological shifts in contemporary criticism seeking to unsettle the ‘national’ and ‘literary’ assumptions evoked by the category of ‘Canadian literature,’ from its production to its reception.... Producing Canadian Literature makes visible how authors respond to what Jeff Derksen's foreword calls the ‘forces we now rather casually generalize as “the market.”’.... [The] writers' diversity in terms of form, genre, politics, age, gender, race, and success reverberates in their wide-ranging opinions, suggesting these positionalities significantly inform literature's political economy.... Most notably, these writers all reveal a keen awareness of the expectations engendered by a cultural economy that tends to cater to the middle.... Producing Canadian Literature will be valuable to writers as well as scholars of Canadian literatures, particularly those interested in print culture and sites where the arts, markets, and public policy intersect. Together with Shifting the Ground, these TransCanada books should be read by Canadianists not for what they say about actual literary works—which is little, and not really their project—but for how they open the field itself by crossing it from exterior entry points. Absent of the literature, their contribution is more to the study of the study of CanLit—an increasingly undisciplined discipline.

— Brendan McCormack, Canadian Literature, 220, Spring 2014, 2014 October
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