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category: Political Science
published: May 1995
publisher: Between the Lines

Progress Without People

New Technology, Unemployment, and the Message of Resistance

by David F. Noble

tagged: labor & industrial relations, automation, labor

A provocative discussion of the role of technology and its accompanying rhetoric of limitless progress in the concomitant rise of joblessness and unemployment.

About the Author

David F. Noble

David Franklin Noble (July 22, 1945 – December 27, 2010) was a critical historian of technology, science and education, best known for his groundbreaking work on the social history of automation. In his final years he taught in the Division of Social Science, and the department of Social and Political Thought at York University in Toronto. Noble held positions at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Smithsonian Institution and Drexel University, as well as many visiting professorships.

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