New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $16
also available: eBook
category: Poetry
published: Apr 2009
publisher: Vehicule Press
imprint: VĂ©hicule Press

Pure Product

by Jason Guriel

tagged: canadian

In his second book of poems, Jason Guriel cuts a dazzling figure-whip-smart, charismatic, with a mischievousness always eager to play for more serious stakes. Guriel's way of seeing the world is low-key and sly: he tries to show us the big picture by enumerating all the small ones-what he calls "the way tiny things / can't help being, next / to nothing, something". Although a zealous celebrator of ordinariness, his tightly-turned lines have the courage of their own spiky oddity.
The poems in Pure Product celebrate the purity of complicated feelings distilled to crisp expression, a pure poetry true to the impurities of life. This is a formidable collection.

About the Author

Jason Guriel first collection of poems was Pure Product (2009). His work has been anthologized in The Best Canadian Poetry in English. He's the first Canadian to be awarded Poetry's Frederick Bock Prize in 2007. Poetry gave him their Editors Prize for Book Reviewing in 2009. Guriel's most recent book is The Pigheaded Soul: Essays and Reviews on Poetry and Culture (2013). He lives in Toronto.

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