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also available: eBook
category: Nature
published: Nov 1999
publisher: University of Calgary Press

Reading the Entrails

An Alberta Ecohistory

by Norman Charles Conrad

tagged: environmental conservation & protection

Before the fall of Imperial Rome, priests cast the guts of sacrificial animals on the temple floor, claiming to be able to divine the future from these entrails. By probing the remains of Alberta's past sacrifices (reading the entrails), the author believes we might dimly see an apparition of Alberta's future.

Reading the Entrails: An Alberta Ecohistory vividly portrays the history of land and life in Alberta from the Ice Ages to the present. Making no apologies for his criticism of government, regulators, and large corporations, Conrad aims to strike a discussion at all levels by presenting his arguments intensely. For those interested in natural history, the environment, and the future of Alberta's ecological resources, this provocative book is essential reading.

About the Author

Norman Charles Conrad

Norman C. Conrad's involvement in advocacy, law, primary industry, and wilderness have provided him, a third-generation Albertan, with a strong sense of the winners and losers in Alberta's progress and development.
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