New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $24.95
also available: eBook
category: Biography & Autobiography
published: Oct 2015
publisher: Second Story Press

Resilience and Triumph

Immigrant Women Tell Their Stories

by The Book Project Collective, with Rashmi Luther; Vanaja Dhruvarajan; Ikram Jama; Yumi Kotani; Monia Mazigh; Peruvemba S. Jaya & Lucya Spencer

tagged: cultural heritage, emigration & immigration, women, feminism & feminist theory, women's studies

Developed with the Feminist History Society, Resilience and Triumph is a collection of true, first-person stories from 54 racialized immigrant and refugee women that creates an eclectic mix of three generations of voices. Women in their twenties to those in their seventies provide snapshots from the 1960s up to the present that capture the many intersections of gender with race, culture, class, religion and nationality in Canada over five decades. Together these vividly recounted entries document both historical and everyday moments that reveal striking similarities and differences for immigrant women coming from many parts of the globe.

About the Authors
The Book Project Collective encompasses women from diverse cultural, linguistic, religious backgrounds and national origins who share a passionate commitment to the community of immigrant and racialized women in Canada. It formed around a shared purpose – to help those whose voices are muted, those who are differentiated as racialized others and labeled “visible minority,” “newcomer,” and “woman of colour” articulate their life stories.

Rashmi Luther is a retired academic (Carleton University) who continues to be engaged in community-based social justice activities, especially those concerning immigrants and racialized communities.

Rashmi Luther is a retired academic (Carleton University) who continues to be engaged in community-based social justice activities, especially those concerning immigrants and racialized communities.

Ikram Jama is an educator, and an activist who is committed to contributing to the creation of an accepting and inclusive community.

Yumi Kotani is a committed practitioner of equity and inclusion for all, who is inspired by the sheer beauty of human diversity.

Monia Mazigh holds a Ph.D. in finance from McGill University. In 2009, she published her memoir, Hope and Despair, about her fight to free her husband, Maher Arar, from a Syrian jail. Her debut novel, Miroirs et mirages, published originally in French, was a finalist for the Trillium Book Award.

Dr. Peruvemba S. Jaya is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Ottawa, researching immigrant women’s issues and experiences.

Lucya Spencer is an educator and community advocate who continues to work towards influencing change.
Editorial Reviews

What can one learn from this wonderful book? That we are all stronger than we think; that we are all uniquely different, yet we have more commonalities than differences; that patriarchy is alive and well, thank you; that women would rather be victorious than victims; that Canada has a long way to go in its treatment of immigrants, particularly female immigrants; and that this is Canada's loss.

— Herizons

Despite the very different cultural, social, and historical backgrounds of the stories, certain similarities are revealed in the experience of migration narrated by these racialized women: constant tensions between their contradictory worlds, barriers to integration due to their difference and “visibility,” and reconciliation with their hyphenated identity, for example.

— Canadian Literature

...the publication is as much about the development and writing of the book as about the stories themselves from some remarkable women.

— Montréal Serai

Resilience and Triumph is a great collection which leaves you with the feeling that you’ve just made 50 new friends. It’s rare to find such honest recollections of Canada’s opportunities, discrimination and affect on 50 women’s lives.

— Broken Pencil
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