New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $24.00
also available: eBook
category: Fiction
published: May 2015
publisher: Cormorant Books

River Music

by Mary Soderstrom

tagged: literary, historical

Gloria Murray’s daughter jokes that Gloria would have sold her first born to further her musical career — a reproach closer to the truth than anyone but Gloria suspects.


Gloria, born just before the Great Depression, knows from the moment she hears a soaring song played on the piano that she must follow that river of emotion. After an adolescence playing in churches and hotel lobbies, she prepares to study in post- World War II France, when another sort of passion intrudes and, halfway through her year abroad, she finds herself forced into a hard choice that she shares with no one. Her career blossoms, she marries, and has two more children, and her secret seems best forgotten – until, thirty years later, she learns of the murder of a young composer who could have been her son.


Set against a backdrop of war, economic changes, and social upheavals, River Music explores the sacrifices that women make to fulfill their destiny, the wildcards of sex and passion, and the complicated relationships between mothers and their children.

About the Author

Mary Soderstrom writes fiction and non-fiction. Against the Seas: Saving Civilizations from Rising Waters is her eighteenth book and is the logical follow-up to her last, Concrete: From Ancient Origins to a Problematic Future. She has travelled widely, but her home base is Montreal.

Editorial Reviews

“A thought-provoking guide to how musical tastes have changed over the decades. Gloria takes us on a journey in pursuit of those elusive elements that make music such an integral part of life.”

— Montreal Review of Books

“Played out against a rich historical backdrop that paints a picture of changing Quebec in deft strokes, it’s a novel that conveys the single-mindedness it takes to master an artistic discipline, and that also admirably nails something much harder to dramatize.”

— Montreal Gazette

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