New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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category: Drama
published: Jul 2004
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

Rune Arlidge

by Michael Healey

tagged: canadian

Three generations of women the eldest incapable of keeping stories to herself, her two daughters on the verge of making life-altering decisions, a granddaughter wise beyond her years. Through years of summers, these women attempt to relate to one another, but often prove that blood isn't all that ties them together.

About the Author

Michael Healey trained as an actor at Toronto’s Ryerson Theatre School in the mid-eighties. He began writing for the stage in the early nineties and his first play, a solo one-act called Kicked, was produced at the Fringe of Toronto Festival in 1996. He subsequently toured the play across Canada and internationally, winning the Dora Mavor Moore Award for best new play. The Drawer Boy, his first full-length play, premiered in Toronto in 1999, winning the Dora Award for best new play, the Chalmers Canadian Playwriting Award, and the Governor General’s Literary Award (Canada’s highest literary honour). It has been translated into multiple languages and continues to be produced regularly across North America and internationally. Healey’s other works include The Road to Hell (co-authored with Kate Lynch), Plan B, Rune Arlidge, The Innocent Eye Test, The Nuttalls, Are You Okay, and 1979. His trilogy focusing on Canadian values and politics—Generous, Courageous, and Proud—met with great critical success and have had multiple productions. In all, his plays have won the Dora Mavor Moore Award for best new play five times. He has also adapted works by Chekhov, Molnar, Hecht and MacArthur, Dürrenmatt, and Shaw for the Stratford Festival, the Shaw Festival, and Soulpepper. He continues to find work as an actor occasionally.

Contributor Notes

Michael Healey performed in his first one-act play in 1996 as part of the Fringe Festival of Toronto. Since then, he has become an exceptional voice in Canadian theatre. With an outstanding breadth of work, Healey has won a number of awards as a playwright, including a Dora Mavor Moore Award, a Governor General's Literary Award, and a Chalmers Canadian Play Award. Healey is currently a playwright-in-residence at Tarragon Theatre.

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