New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: Paperback
category: Business & Economics
published: Mar 2013
publisher: Linda Leith Publishing

Saving the CBC

Balancing Profit and Public Service

by Wade Rowland

tagged: media & communications industries, communication policy

Asked to name the institutions that best define this country, most Canadians place our pubic broadcaster somewhere high on the list. But there is a very real danger that the CBC will not survive beyond the next two years in any recognizable form. Decades of budget cuts have left it dangerously weakened, and now a massive loss of television advertising revenue is predicted with the loss of NHL hockey rights to private broadcasters. Saving the CBC looks back at the history of the public broadcaster, digs into the goals and ideals of public service media, and plots a detailed plan for survival and growth.

About the Author
Wade Rowland

Wade Rowland is the author of more than a dozen books, including Galileo's Mistake, Spirit of the Web, and Ockham's Razor. He is a former holder of the Maclean Hunter Chair of Ethics in Communications at Ryerson University in Toronto and currently lectures in the social history of communications technologies at Trent University in Peterborough. He lives near Port Hope, Ontario, with his wife, Christine.

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