New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: eBook
category: Drama
published: Jun 2013
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

Shakespeare's Nigga

by Joseph Jomo Pierre

tagged: canadian

Shakespeare holds the fate of several black slaves in his hands. Among them are the rebellious Aaron and the obedient Othello, who each have complicated relationships with Shakespeare's daughter, Judith. But a vital secret remains hidden that could untangle complex familial ties and change the course of their history.

About the Author

Joseph Jomo Pierre

Playwright and actor Joseph Jomo Pierre was born in Trinidad, and raised in Scarborough, Canada where he completed a BFA in acting at York University. He is the author of Shakespeare’s Nigga, a finalist for the Governor General’s Literary Award for drama, as well as Beatdown: Three Plays, which includes Born Ready, BeatDown, and Pusha-Man. He lives in Toronto.

  • Short-listed, Governor General's Literary Award for Drama

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