New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $12.99
also available: Paperback Paperback
category: Drama
published: Nov 2014
publisher: Fifth House Books


A Native American Drama

by Drew Hayden Taylor

tagged: canadian

Someday is a powerful new play by award-winning playwright Drew Hayden Taylor. The story in Someday, though told through fictional characters and full of Taylor's distinctive wit and humour, is based on the real-life tragedies suffered by many Native Canadian families.

Anne Wabung's daughter was taken away by children's aid workers when the girl was only a toddler. It is Christmastime 35 years later, and Anne's yearning to see her now-grown daughter is stronger than ever.

When the family is finally reunited, however, the dreams of neither women are fulfilled.

The setting for the play is a fictional Ojibway community, but could be any reserve in Canada, where thousands of Native children were removed from their families in what is known among Native people as the "scoop-up" of the 1950s and 1960s. Somedayis an entertaining, humourous, and spirited play that packs an intense emotional wallop.

About the Author

Drew Hayden Taylor is an award-winning playwright, novelist, scriptwriter and journalist. He was born and still lives on the Curve Lake First Nation in Central Ontario. Taylor has authored nearly thirty books, including Take Us to Your Chief (Douglas & McIntyre, 2016). He also edited Me FunnyMe Sexy and Me Artsy (Douglas & McIntyre, 2005, 2008 and 2015), and has been nominated for two Governor General’s Awards.

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