New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $16.95
also available: eBook
category: Drama
published: Nov 2014
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

St. Francis of Millbrook

by Sky Gilbert

tagged: canadian, gay & lesbian

Being a teenager is hard, especially if you're questioning your sexuality and growing up in rural Ontrio in the mid '90s. Add to that a temperamental, homophobia father and a tenacious love for Madonna, and it's almost unbearable. Despite it all, Luke loes working on the family farm, and at least he has the support of a group of local outsiders who invite him into their circle.

About the Author
Sky Gilbert is a writer, director, and drag queen extraordinaire. He studied at York University and the University of Toronto before co-founding Buddies in Bad Times, a Toronto theatre dedicated to 2SLGBTQ+ drama. Author of eight previous novels, more than thirty plays, three volumes of poetry, and three works of non-fiction, he has been awarded the Margo Bindhardt Award, three Dora Mavor Moore Awards, the Pauline McGibbon Award, the Silver Ticket Award, and the ReLit Award (for his fourth novel, An English Gentleman (Cormorant Books)).
Editorial Review

Gilbert provides a good dose of humour to make his message of acceptance and tolerance more palatable.

— Paula Citron

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