New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $12.99
also available: Paperback
category: Drama
published: May 2015
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

State of Denial

by Rahul Varma

tagged: canadian, middle eastern

Odette is a young Rwandan-born Canadian filmmaker who has travelled to Turkey to investigate stories of genocide and hidden identity for an upcoming film. When she interviews Sahana, an elderly Muslim woman who has spent her life assisting survivors of the Armenian genocide, she learns a devastating secret about Sahana, one that she resolves to share with the world at any cost, even if it means revealing her own shocking secret.

About the Author

Rahul Varma is a playwright, artistic director of Teesri Duniya Theatre, and co-founder of cultural diversity and the stage. He writes both in Hindi and English, a language he acquired as an adult. Some of his other plays include Land Where the Trees Talk, No Man’s Land, Trading Injuries (a radio drama), and Truth and Treason. His plays have been translated into French, Italian, Hindi, and Punjabi. Rahul is the recipient of a special Juror’s Award from the Quebec Drama Federation, a Montreal English Critic’s Circle Award for promoting Interculturalism, and the South Asian Theatre Festival Award.

Contributor Notes

Rahul Varma is a playwright, artistic director of Teesri Duniya Theatre, and co-founder of cultural diversity and the stage. He writes both in Hindi and English, a language he acquired as an adult. Some of his other plays include Land Where the Trees Talk, No Man's Land, Trading Injuries (a radio drama), and Truth and Treason. His plays have been translated into French, Italian, Hindi, and Punjabi. Rahul is the recipient of a special Juror's Award from the Quebec Drama Federation, a Montreal English Critic's Circle Award for promoting Interculturalism, and the South Asian Theatre Festival Award.

Editorial Review

"Varma’s work will not be easily forgotten, and it is an important exercise in raising awareness of the story of the Armenians in Turkey. This play humanizes this part of history, and shows us how, in the words of Sahana, 'hatred is an acid that will burn through its container.' "—Chris Lane, Charlebois Post

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