Mythological sea monsters lurking in the depths of Lake Simcoe, a fair-haired Sasquatch combing the isolated stretches of northern highways, and the mournful "Maid of the Mist" of Niagara Falls are just some of the mysterious stories of Ontario found in this collection. Read up on the eerie events of Ontario's history that will challenge reason and provoke curiosity. Do you believe?
Andrew Hind is a freelance writer who lives in Bradford, Ontario. His feature articles have appeared in magazines and newspapers across Canada, in the United States, and in England. Andrew developed a passion for history early on, especially for unusual and obscure events that are typically overlooked or quickly forgotten. He hopes, through his writing, to bring these fascinating stories to light for a modern audience.
Maria Da Silva has always had a passion for history and ghost stories. Though she came from a country (Portugal) that is full of history and the unknown, she never dreamed that her future would lead her into writing about the forgotten and the unexplained. Maria's work, co-authored with Andrew Hind, has appeared in publications such as Fate and Mystery Magazine.