New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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category: Social Science
published: Apr 2010
publisher: The University of Alberta Press
imprint: University of Alberta Press

Taking the Lead

Strategies and Solutions from Female Coaches

edited by Sheila Robertson

tagged: women's studies

In an extensive and frank exploration, leaders in women's coaching discuss the values women bring to the coaching profession, their quest for equal access, ways career aspirations and motherhood are juggled, how to negotiate contracts, and encounters with homophobia, harassment, and bullying. They also identify the challenges to progress and highlight the essential changes that need to be made. This volume will be of interest to sports organizations, leaders, and educators; athletes and parents; researchers in sports and gender studies; and politicians and policy makers. Women in leadership roles in business, public service, education, and their communities will find the wisdom contained in Taking the Lead readily transferable to their respective arenas. Introduction by Dru Marshall.

About the Author
Sheila Robertson has been an award-winning writer and editor with Canada's sport community for over thirty years. She was the founding editor of three sports magazines, has worked in Team Canada communications at three Olympic Games, and been a delegate at international sports conferences. A graduate of the University of Manitoba, Sheila Robertson lives in Manotick, Ontario.
Editorial Reviews

"Practical as well as provocative, the book urges sports leaders and administrators to re-examine the unique challenges that female coaches face and to reimagine the sports landscape with improved opportunities for women coaches." David Davis, SportsLetter, August 23, 2010

"While the participation levels of girls and women in Canadian sport are steadily rising, there is a dearth of women coaches at all levels.... The issues covered, skills provided, and advice given in this book should be read by swim-club, provincial, and national-level board members, as well as swimmers, parents, and, most importantly, swim coaches across Canada. It is time for our sport to face the challenges preventing women's entry into swim coaching, and find solutions to get them and keep them on pool decks across Canada." SwimNews, May-June 2010

"...interesting sections include anecdotes from active high-level coaches in fields from wrestling to swimming..." Carrie Villeneuve, Geist, Summer 2010

"For sports organizations, leaders and educators, athletes, parents, researchers, politicians, and policy makers, Robertson, a writer and editor in Canada's sports community, brings together 11 revised and updated articles drawn from the Canadian Journal for Women in Coaching, in which physical education and sport scholars from Canada discuss challenges female coaches face, suggestions and solutions to these challenges and other issues, ways to create a more positive environment in Canada and around the world, and how to encourage more women to become coaches. Topics include coaching and motherhood, harassment and bullying, homophobia, communication skills, mentoring, political advocacy, coaching as a career path, and contracts and negotiations." Reference and Research Book News, August 2010

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