New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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category: Philosophy
published: Feb 2010
publisher: University of Ottawa Press

Technology and the Changing Face of Humanity

edited by Richard Feist; Chantal Beauvais & Rajesh Shukla

tagged: free will & determinism, ethics & moral philosophy

A philosophical examination of technology’s growing influence. This pioneering collection explores the relationship between technology and free will. Rejecting the notion of technology as a neutral addition to our lives, the contributors examine the type and degree of our society’s technological dependence. Technology is revealed as something from which we have, and will continue to have, difficulty separating ourselves, both as individuals and as a society.
Without articulating a purely deterministic perspective, this collection illuminates the powerful influence technology has on our world and our perception of it.
Published in English.

About the Authors

Richard Feist

Chantal Beauvais

Rajesh Shukla

Contributor Notes

Chantal Beauvais is the sixth rector of Saint Paul University. Dr. Beauvais was born in Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. During her pre-university studies she joined the Royal Canadian Air Cadets and served in various positions, including first woman adjutant at the summer training centre in Trenton, Ontario. After working briefly as an accountant at Noranda Mines, she joined the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa. After a period of discernment, Dr. Beauvais left the congregation and enrolled at Dominican University College in Ottawa, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy.

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