We all know what a politician looks like, right? They’re old people who wear suits and make long, boring speeches full of indecipherable words. Not so fast! As The Art of the Possible explains, everyone is a politician — even young people who aren’t yet eligible to vote. We all have influence over how politics function.
But what are politics, and why do we need them? This book answers the universal query in nine short chapters that explain everything from why we form societies and the basic types of governments to the power of public opinion, methods of rhetoric and the reasons why politicians “lie.”
Written in an accessible, conversational voice and packed with anecdotes and case studies from across history and around the world, this book helps foster independent thought and curiosity about how a government works — or doesn’t work. Readers will come away equipped with the knowledge they need to understand current events and elections, and maybe even be empowered to civic action themselves.
Informational text features: table of contents, chapters, diagrams, sidebars, in-text definitions of key terms, glossary, index and sources
"An optimistically presented introduction to politics."
"Thanks to accessible content that will resonate with most students...this logical, relevant approach, combined with realistic suggestions on how to get involved, makes for an engaging alternative to standardized texts and just might spark some political careers."
"An excellent and indispensable resource."
"Easy to understand...examples are very concrete. An ideal entry point for youth...may even serve as inspiration for anyone looking to become more involved."
"Informative and insightful."
"A highly accessible introduction to politics...a useful addition to most collections."
"A demystifying resource that encourages readers to take interest and take action."
"Succeeds in conveying a topic often not covered at this grade level...a necessary book. Recommended."
"A great addition to a school curriculum's study of government."
"The readability, practical examples and illustrations...present this important material in an appealing format for the target audience. Recommended."
"Easy to take to heart, and has the potential to change the way young people see their world."