New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $9.95
also available: Paperback Paperback
category: Children's Fiction
published: Sep 2000
publisher: Groundwood Books Ltd

The Breadwinner

by Deborah Ellis

tagged: middle east, girls & women, self-esteem & self-reliance

"All girls [should read] The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis." — Malala Yousafzai, New York Times

The first book in Deborah Ellis’s riveting Breadwinner series is an award-winning novel about loyalty, survival, families and friendship under extraordinary circumstances during the Taliban’s rule in Afghanistan.

Eleven-year-old Parvana lives with her family in one room of a bombed-out apartment building in Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital city. Parvana’s father — a history teacher until his school was bombed and his health destroyed — works from a blanket on the ground in the marketplace, reading letters for people who cannot read or write. One day, he is arrested for the crime of having a foreign education, and the family is left without someone who can earn money or even shop for food.

As conditions for the family grow desperate, only one solution emerges. Forbidden to earn money as a girl, Parvana must transform herself into a boy, and become the breadwinner.

The fifteenth anniversary edition includes a special foreword by Deborah Ellis as well as a new map, an updated author’s note and a glossary to provide young readers with background and context. All royalties from the sale of this book will go to Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan. Parvana’s Fund supports education projects for Afghan women and children.

About the Author

Deborah Ellis

Known around the world for her Breadwinner series, author and humanitarian Deborah Ellis has written nearly thirty books for children and young people, most of which explore themes of courage and social justice. Deborah's many awards include the Governor General's Award, the Ruth Schwartz Award, the Vicky Metcalf Award, the American Library Association's Notable List, and the Jane Addams Children's Book Award. Deborah lives in Simcoe, Ontario.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
10 to 14
5 to 9
Reading age:
10 to 14
  • Long-listed, Young Jury Awards
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  • Long-listed, Young Jury Awards
  • Long-listed, Young Jury Awards
  • Long-listed, Young Jury Awards
  • Long-listed, Young Jury Awards
  • Long-listed, Young Jury Awards
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9-12
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Long-listed, SYRCA Diamond Willow Award
  • Winner, Baia delle Favole Prize for ages 9–12
  • Winner, Hackmatack Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Golden Oak Award
  • Winner, Swedish Peter Pan Prize
  • Commended, YALSA PPYA
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Winner, Middle East Book Award
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  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
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  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
  • Short-listed, Trillium Book Award
  • Long-listed, OLA Red Maple Award
Editorial Reviews

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

A great kids' book...a graphic geopolitical brief that's also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

...a book...about the hard times - and the courage - of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner trilogy] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testaments to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

This is an important and compelling story for young people...

— Today's Librarian exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

...hands-down, Newberry Medal worthy...This was a fantastic read.

— Washington Times

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links exceptional story that enlightens the reader about circumstances beyond comprehension and helps students understand that all of us in this global community share the same hopes, dreams, and fears.

— Resource Links

..a book...about the hard times — and the courage — of Afghan children.

— Washington Post

A great kids’ book...a graphic geopolitical brief that’s also a girl-power parable.

— Newsweek

[The books in the Breadwinner series] are terrifying indictments of what war can bring to children and a powerful testament to the ingenuity and strength of young people in times of terror.

— Book Links

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