New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $12.95
category: Fiction
published: Apr 2016
publisher: Linda Leith Publishing

The Company of Crows

by Karen Molson

tagged: lesbian, gay, urban life

At thirteen, bookish Veronica Reid lives in a world inside her head, even if she isn’t entirely successful at resisting the intrusions of the world outside. It’s bad enough that she has to wear awful new glasses; it’s downright disastrous that she’ll have to spend the summer at Laughing Willows Trailer Park with her obnoxious younger brothers and unhappy mother. She can’t imagine anything worse. Lonely and bored, she begins to observe the activities of the local crows, even as she gradually finds a community among the odd denizens of Laughing Willows. When violence erupts, she finds unexpected strength both inside herself and in the people—and the crows—around her. LGBTQ interest.. YA crossover.

About the Author

Karen Molson

A biographer and former independent bookseller, Karen Molson is the author of The Molsons: Their Lives and Times, and Hartland de Montarville Molson: Man of Honour. She lives near Vankleek Hill, Ontario, and likes to spend time studying and photographing birds.

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