Enrique Tomás lives a quiet life with a large, loving family in an unnamed South American country. But Enrique has secrets. When his second eldest son, Hector, and Hector’s beloved friend Nadia uncover one of Enrique’s secrets, the course of Hector's life is irrevocably altered. Exiled by his parents to the isolated countryside, Hector is accused of terrorism—a crime of which he is innocent, yet ruthlessly punished. As he struggles to extricate himself from the clutches of a brutal and paranoid military regime, he learns that freedom comes at a terrible price. The Crimes of Hector Tomás is an epic novel about disappearance and deception, family and nation. Enrique, Hector, and Nadia are trapped in a nightmare world where innocence counts for nothing and justice is a dream. Once they make their choices, they can never go back.
"The Crimes of Hector Tomás is a powerful examination of the lengths people will go to survive under a repressive regime."
"Using precise and engaging language, the book examines the implications of physical and psychological subjugation in the lives of several characters… an admirable demonstration of authorial restraint. The prose is detailed, yet spare and subtle — allowing graphic and frequently disturbing events to imprint upon each reader based upon his or her own scruples and worldview."