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also available: Paperback
category: Poetry
published: Aug 2005
publisher: House of Anansi Press Inc

The Griffin Poetry Prize 2005 Anthology

by Erín Moure

tagged: anthologies (multiple authors)

The fifth volume of The Griffin Poetry Prize Anthology includes selections from the books shortlisted for the 2005 Griffin Poetry Prize, chosen by the jurors: UK poet Simon Armitage, Governor General's Award winner Erin Moure, and Slovenian poet Tomaz Salamun.

Royalties from the anthology are donated to UNESCO's World Poetry Day.

About the Author
Erín Moure has published over fifty books: poetry, essays, memoir, as well as translations and co-translations of poetry from French, Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, Portuñol and Ukrainian into English. Recent works are Planetary Noise: Selected Poetry of Erín Moure (Wesleyan, 2017), Sitting Shiva on Minto Avenue, by Toots (New Star, 2017), Wilson Bueno’s Paraguayan Sea (Nightboat, 2017), Uxío Novoneyra’s The Uplands: Book of the Courel and other poems (Veliz Books, 2020), Juan Gelman’s Sleepless Nights Under Capitalism (Eulalia Books, 2020), Chantal Neveu’s This Radiant Life (Book*hug, 2020), and Chus Pato’s The Face of the Quartzes (Veliz Books, 2021). Moure holds two honorary doctorates from universities in Canada and Spain, was 2017 Creative Fellow at the Woodberry Poetry Room at Harvard, 2019 international translator in residence at Queen’s College, Oxford, 2020 Kelly Writers House Fellow at UPenn, and gave the 2021 Leslie Scalapino Memorial Lecture at Naropa University. In 2021, she was Jake MacDonald writer in residence at the University of Winnipeg. A new work of poetry and hybrid text, Theophylline, will appear in 2023 from Anansi. She lives in Montreal.
Contributor Notes

Erín Moure is one of Canada's most eminent and respected poets, and a translator from French, Spanish, Galician, and Portuguese. Her work operates on the edge of difficulty and acceptability, and is transgressive but aware of history. She is the author of sixteen books of poetry, has received the Governor General's Award, the Pat Lowther Memorial Award, the A.M. Klein Prize, and has been a three-time finalist for the Griffin Poetry Prize. Her recent books include Expeditions of a Chimæra (co-written with Oana Avasilichioaei), a book of essays,My Beloved Wager, and a reissue of her 1999 limited edition Pillage Laud. Her twelve books of poetry in translation include Sheep's Vigil by a Fervent Person by Alberto Caeiro/Fernando Pessoa, Nicole Brossard's Notebook of Roses and Civilization (co-translated with Robert Majzels), and Galician poet Chus Pato's acclaimed m-Talá, Charenton and Hordes of Writing.

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